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Native Plant Trail Project

Located at Fighting Creek Park - Powhatan, Virginia 

The Native Plant Trail

Located at the Fighting Creek Park in Powhatan, this garden follows a 1/4 mile loop trail behind the Powhatan County Library.  

It is our hope that by learning about native plants here in the park, you will be able to identify and appreciate them in your landscape at home. Most of the plants, identified by signs, have appeared without being planted. These include the various blueberry species, the wild azaleas and the ferns.​  Some of the plants are nursery or garden propagated and are presented as suggestions for your shady landscape. Some of the plants are only visible during certain seasons, especially spring. If you don’t see one of these “ephemerals”, come back in another season.


Native Plants & What They Are

Native plants are species that have evolved in a particular region over an extended period of time. Factors that govern their success or demise include: climate, soil, geographical and topographical characteristics of the area, as well as interactions with other species in that same area.​ Typically, native plants are more disease resistant, drought resistant, pest resistant and most are deer resistant.​

Native Plant Trail Map


For a PDF copy to print before you follow the 1/4 mile loop, click the link below.

Cranefly Orchid 72823 (1).JPG

Cranefly Orchid

(Tipularia discolor)


Native Plants on the Trail

Click the link below for a PDF to print listing the Native Plants you will find along the trail.

​Each plant is identified with its botanical and common name. Most entries have photos. 


Cardinal flower

(Lobelia cardinalis)

outdoor trail brochure.jpg

Download the Virginia Cooperative Extension Brochure to learn even more about the 150+ natives you can find at the Native Plant Trail.

Visit the Native Plant Trail at Fighting Creek Park

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